Even though sour cream is available in pretty much every Polish grocery store, it is possible that it won't be available at some point. In such a...
Simple Dimpled Rolls
White wheat bread rolls of varying weight and shape occupy a good portion of the bread shelves in grocery stores. One of the available types are...
Vinegar Pickled Peppers
In the 80s, I could savour the taste of pickled peppers thanks to the jars that were imported to Poland from Bulgaria. Their contents left a lot to...
Bigos (Hunter’s Stew)
Bigos is a typical Polish dish, although it's also eaten in Luthuania and Belarus. Initially, in the XVII-XVIII century, it was a meat dish, but...
Shaping Bread Dough
Numerous sources claim that shaping bread dough before the final prove is of key importance. The role of dough shaping is to create tension in the...
Cheesecake Quark Calculator
Calculating the quark to butter ratio requires a moment of pause. In this post, I present detailed formulae to calculate the fat content od homemade...
Viennese Cheesecake
Fermentation is my thing, but I don't feel as confident in confectionery. I can prepare but a few desserts, but when I make one, it needs to be...
Fermented Radishes
I usually eat radishes raw, but that's not the only way. It can also be fermented. There's plenty of ways to do it and the only mandatory...